Oolong Leaf Tea & the Weight Loss Saga

For a layman, tea would be just tea & coffee just coffee. But if you are slave to your taste palettes then you’d know that just as there are different ways to have coffee, tea although mostly derived from the plant Camellia Sinensis, varies in their kinds too.

Tea in general has many health benefits. When consumed in controlled amounts the caffeine in the tea does more good than cause any harm. Also the now widely claimed benefit with drinking tea is that the polymerised antioxidants in it control cancer; not to mention the wonderful aroma & tranquilizing properties of a cup of tea.

So what is it with Oolong leaf tea that makes it the most sought after drink when one wants to reduce weight? First let’s talk about how Oolong tea is different from the normal herbal or green tea. In case of green tea, the processing involves heating the leaves & then rolling them down to break the natural cell structure. But Oolong tea leaves are allowed to breakdown natural i.e. be oxidized & their cell structure remains intact.

Chinese research has found that the processing causes oolong loose leaf tea with Tea Naga to retain most of the antioxidants called Polyphenols which in turn makes the tea a better option for obese people. When we talk of weight loss, we check the ability of the researched item to increase body’s metabolic rate & its ability to curb fat retention. For the former case, tea of any kind is ideal as caffeine is known to increase the body’s metabolic rate & also the decomposition of fat to increase energy. But Oolong tea with the extra Polyphenols stays a step ahead in burning fat in the body. So forget the crash dieting & stick to Oolong tea instead.

Categorized as Tea